Ernest Seton-Thompson - writer, artist, naturalist
Eighty-six years of life - a considerable time. Exactly so many wonderful Canadian writer, artist, naturalist Ernest Seton-Thompson lived. But who was he in the first place? A rare case…

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Gustave Courbet - "son of revolution"
The name Courbet means for the art of the XIX century no less than Rembrandt and Velázquez for the XVII century. After all, he openly proclaimed realism as his creative…

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Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
For a proper understanding of the pre-Raphaelite movement, it is necessary to identify the difference between its individual stages, which stretched over several decades. It should be noted that many…

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began to attend the workshop

Eugene Delacroix – Goethe’s Faust lithographs

In the 1820s, the artist Eugene Delacroix was in the prime of his creative power. He is 30 years old, he is a recognized master, who created the paintings that put him among the best artists of France: “Dante and Virgil”, “The Massacre at Chios”, “The Execution of Marino Falyero”, “The Death of Sardanapala”.

In them, Delacroix most fully reflected the ideas of progressive romanticism that prevailed at that time in French painting, to the transmission of historical truth, expressed by a bright, emotional language, which compels the emperor to sympathize with the characters, strong, whole and passionate. Continue reading

Rafael Santi – the ideal of the purest art

In the view of the people of the Renaissance, beauty is above all the orderly consonance and the connection of parts, harmony. It is based on a proportion, a perfect image, where, in the words of the Italian scientist and architect Alberti, “you cannot add, subtract or change anything without making it worse.” Continue reading

Architecture (lat. Architectura, from the Greek. Architekton - builder), architecture, a system of buildings and structures that form the spatial environment for the life and activities of people, as well…


Hubert Robert - "Painter of Ruins"
Antique ruins, then reflected in calm waters, then almost hidden by thickets of climbing plants, shrubs. Peaceful rural nature, almost always clear sky. Through the gaps of the trees, the…
