Renoir Pierre Auguste. The Ball in Moulin de la Galette Impressionism (Fr. Impressionisme, from impression - impression) is the artistic style in the art of the last third of the…

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Two portraits of the actress Strepetova
There are destinies that strike the imagination with unusualness and inner completeness — such is the life of Pelageya Antipevna Strepetova (1850–1903), difficult and bright, full of dramatic turns. At…

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Diego Rivera - the great Mexican painter
When the Great October Socialist Revolution took place in Russia, a revolutionary struggle was going on in Mexico for seven years. Armed peasants opposed the dictatorship of the rich and…

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James Whistler: “I am an artist and“ born ”in Petersburg”

James Whistler, an Anglo-American artist, was born July 11, 1834 in Lowell, the industrial city of the United States. Staying in Russia largely affected the formation of his talent. Whistler arrived in Petersburg as a teenager in the fall of 1843, when his father, a railway engineer, was invited by the tsarist government to build a railway that was supposed to connect the two capitals. Continue reading

Venetian landscape painters of the 18th century

By the beginning of the 18th century, the once mighty Venice had lost its importance as the political center of the Mediterranean, becoming a peculiar center of pilgrimage. Rich travelers from all over Europe came here to admire the beauty of the city. And everyone dreamed of taking a picture, drawing or engraving depicting a corner of a beautiful city. No wonder the landscape was the most popular among other genres. Continue reading

Aphrodite or Venus - the goddess of love. Her name has become synonymous with Love and Beauty, and to this day, the artists embody in them their idea of ​​Beauty.…


Wooden sculpture of Prikamye
The discovery of this “completely unprecedented and absolutely amazing phenomenon” - the original folk art of the Kama region - belongs to N. N. Serebrennikov, an Ural art historian, collector…
