Pop Art
Pop art (English pop-art, from popular art to public art) is a trend that took shape first in modern art and then in various spheres of popular culture of the…

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Egyptian ostracon drawings
In the art of ancient Egypt, there are monuments that make up a special group. These are works of graphics - drawings on boards. The Greek word "ostracon" literally means…

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Pop Art
Pop art (English pop-art, from popular art to public art) is a trend that took shape first in modern art and then in various spheres of popular culture of the…

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century somehow came

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Romanticism (French romantisme from the Latin. Roman romanum from Roma – Rome) is one of two, along with Classicism, the fundamental tendencies of artistic thinking. However, historically, this word has been called a wide range of various phenomena. At the end of the 18th century, everything extraordinary, fantastic, what happens “like in novels” was called romantic or “romance”. Romantic, sublime poetry was then considered the only worthy type of art. But there was another interpretation of the term: romantic – this is the art of the Romance peoples, mainly medieval, which was opposed to the classical, ancient. Continue reading

Pop Art

Pop art (English pop-art, from popular art to public art) is a trend that took shape first in modern art and then in various spheres of popular culture of the 20th century.

Pop art originated in the 50s of the 20th century in the USA and Great Britain and finally won a “place under the sun” at the international exhibition in Venice (1964), defeating abstractionism. An American artist R. Rauschenberg received the main prize for “subject compilation” composed of combinations of colorful postcards and a scrap of a poster, clippings from illustrated magazines and a photograph of the assassinated President J. Kennedy. Continue reading


Cubism – (French. Cubisme, from cube – cyb) directed in the first century of the XX century. The plastic language of kibism is based on the deflection and decomposition of the subjects on the geometry, the plastic shift of the form.

Many Russian artists passed through the Kibism, often joining his principles with the help of other modern dispatches. Continue reading

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David Jacques Louis The oath of the Horatii Empire (French empire - the empire from the Latin. Imperium - command, power) - artistic style, created in France in the beginning…


Veliky Ustyug
It is unlikely that you will immediately find a small circle on the map, next to which are two words: “Great Ustyug”. We will show you - look at the…
