Barbizon School of Painting
Away from the noise of the capital, French painters of the last century chose the area around the royal residence of Fontainebleau, which since the times of Francis I has…

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Graphics is a type of visual art. It can be divided into three types: - monumental - is closely connected with the architectural ensemble, for example, a poster (monumental printed…

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Aphrodite or Venus - the goddess of love. Her name has become synonymous with Love and Beauty, and to this day, the artists embody in them their idea of ​​Beauty.…

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Arab customs


Cubism – (French. Cubisme, from cube – cyb) directed in the first century of the XX century. The plastic language of kibism is based on the deflection and decomposition of the subjects on the geometry, the plastic shift of the form.

Many Russian artists passed through the Kibism, often joining his principles with the help of other modern dispatches. Continue reading


Sculpture (Latin sculptura, from sculpo – I carve, cut), sculpture, plastic (Greek plastike, from plasso – I mold), a type of fine art based on the principle of three-dimensional, physically three-dimensional image of the subject. There was a sculpture in the primitive era, this is evidenced by the results of archaeological excavations carried out in different countries. The sculpture of the primitive period often served as a means of decorating utensils, tools and hunting tools, and was used as amulets. Developing, the sculpture acquired new functions and attitudes towards itself. Continue reading

Pictures of the Elusive World

Originality is the main feature of the Japanese ukiyo-e engraving. Not having analogies in the art of other countries of the Far East, this system formed the basis for the formation of not only the culture of Japan itself, but also influenced the historical course and the formation of the whole world culture.

Nearly two centuries (XVII – XIX centuries), belonging to the Edo era, existed ukiyo-e, originated in the depths of urban culture and passed a long and interesting way, captured by the masters of Japanese engravings creating their paintings in different periods. Continue reading

Two portraits of the actress Strepetova
There are destinies that strike the imagination with unusualness and inner completeness — such is the life of Pelageya Antipevna Strepetova (1850–1903), difficult and bright, full of dramatic turns. At…


Pop Art
Pop art (English pop-art, from popular art to public art) is a trend that took shape first in modern art and then in various spheres of popular culture of the…
