Gustave Courbet - "son of revolution"
The name Courbet means for the art of the XIX century no less than Rembrandt and Velázquez for the XVII century. After all, he openly proclaimed realism as his creative…

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Venice School of Painting
The heritage of the Venetian school of painting is one of the most striking pages in the history of the Italian Renaissance. The “Pearl of the Adriatic”, a quaintly picturesque…

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What is your power, Amulet?
Talisman "Knock on the tree" For a long time, trying to protect themselves, people endowed various objects with mystical, supernatural properties. Different charms, talismans, amulets have long had different meanings,…

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weary young man

Caravaggio – “an excellent rival of nature”

At the turn of the XVI – XVII centuries in Italy, famous for the great painters, poets, scientists and humanists, a very peculiar artist appeared. His paintings caused a genuine sensation. Noble signorers and common people, artists and art lovers, clergymen and numerous multilingual wanderers, who filled the Eternal City during the great holidays, were eager to see them. Continue reading

Cubism - (French. Cubisme, from cube - cyb) directed in the first century of the XX century. The plastic language of kibism is based on the deflection and decomposition of…


Romanticism (French romantisme from the Latin. Roman romanum from Roma - Rome) is one of two, along with Classicism, the fundamental tendencies of artistic thinking. However, historically, this word has…
