Graphics is a type of visual art. It can be divided into three types: - monumental - is closely connected with the architectural ensemble, for example, a poster (monumental printed…

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Caravaggio - "an excellent rival of nature"
At the turn of the XVI – XVII centuries in Italy, famous for the great painters, poets, scientists and humanists, a very peculiar artist appeared. His paintings caused a genuine…

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Egyptian ostracon drawings
In the art of ancient Egypt, there are monuments that make up a special group. These are works of graphics - drawings on boards. The Greek word "ostracon" literally means…

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subject form is spread


Cubism – (French. Cubisme, from cube – cyb) directed in the first century of the XX century. The plastic language of kibism is based on the deflection and decomposition of the subjects on the geometry, the plastic shift of the form.

Many Russian artists passed through the Kibism, often joining his principles with the help of other modern dispatches. Continue reading

Antoine Bourdelle and Aristide Maillol - antiquity in the works
Antoine Bourdelle andAristide Mayol. What binds them? That they were born in the same year - 1861st? That both are French? Or that they are outstanding sculptors and are at…


Andrei Ryabushkin - historical painter
Russian art of the late XIX - early XX century is rich in bright individuals. But among them Ryabushkin remains a master who created a special artistic world. His originality…
