Camille Corot: "I write with my heart"
The large, half a century long, creative life of the French artist Camille Corot (1796–1875) was, as it were, subject to the change of seasons. In the winter months he…

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Portraits of Sumarokov by A. Losenko and F. Rokotov
When the painter paints a portrait of a contemporary, he sees it as if in the “halo” of events, the ideological aspirations of his era, perceives him as a person…

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Portraits of Sumarokov by A. Losenko and F. Rokotov
When the painter paints a portrait of a contemporary, he sees it as if in the “halo” of events, the ideological aspirations of his era, perceives him as a person…

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but also easel works

Pictures of the Elusive World

Originality is the main feature of the Japanese ukiyo-e engraving. Not having analogies in the art of other countries of the Far East, this system formed the basis for the formation of not only the culture of Japan itself, but also influenced the historical course and the formation of the whole world culture.

Nearly two centuries (XVII – XIX centuries), belonging to the Edo era, existed ukiyo-e, originated in the depths of urban culture and passed a long and interesting way, captured by the masters of Japanese engravings creating their paintings in different periods. Continue reading

Antique Cologne
Cologne ... Many have heard about this German city on the Rhine, a major center of medieval European culture. The well-known Cologne Cathedral is an unsurpassed monument of Gothic architecture.…


Diego Rivera - the great Mexican painter
When the Great October Socialist Revolution took place in Russia, a revolutionary struggle was going on in Mexico for seven years. Armed peasants opposed the dictatorship of the rich and…
