Venetian landscape painters of the 18th century
By the beginning of the 18th century, the once mighty Venice had lost its importance as the political center of the Mediterranean, becoming a peculiar center of pilgrimage. Rich travelers…

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Art Evaluation Criteria
The term "art", the definition of "art" can be attributed to a variety of objects - from prehistoric drawings on stones and ceramics to the rubble of household and industrial…

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Caravaggio - "an excellent rival of nature"
At the turn of the XVI – XVII centuries in Italy, famous for the great painters, poets, scientists and humanists, a very peculiar artist appeared. His paintings caused a genuine…

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leads to new forms

Pop Art

Pop art (English pop-art, from popular art to public art) is a trend that took shape first in modern art and then in various spheres of popular culture of the 20th century.

Pop art originated in the 50s of the 20th century in the USA and Great Britain and finally won a “place under the sun” at the international exhibition in Venice (1964), defeating abstractionism. An American artist R. Rauschenberg received the main prize for “subject compilation” composed of combinations of colorful postcards and a scrap of a poster, clippings from illustrated magazines and a photograph of the assassinated President J. Kennedy. Continue reading

Eugene Delacroix - Goethe's Faust lithographs
In the 1820s, the artist Eugene Delacroix was in the prime of his creative power. He is 30 years old, he is a recognized master, who created the paintings that…


Antoine Bourdelle and Aristide Maillol - antiquity in the works
Antoine Bourdelle andAristide Mayol. What binds them? That they were born in the same year - 1861st? That both are French? Or that they are outstanding sculptors and are at…
