Albrecht Dürer. The four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Unlike the classics, classicism is not a qualitative, but a functional concept; it expresses a certain tendency of artistic thinking based on…

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Decorative and applied arts
Decorative art (from the Latin. Decoro "decorating") - a section of art, which includes a fairly large number of industries, it is one of the most important areas of folk…

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Egyptian ostracon drawings
In the art of ancient Egypt, there are monuments that make up a special group. These are works of graphics - drawings on boards. The Greek word "ostracon" literally means…

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six months

Antoine Bourdelle and Aristide Maillol – antiquity in the works

Antoine Bourdelle andAristide Mayol. What binds them? That they were born in the same year – 1861st? That both are French? Or that they are outstanding sculptors and are at the forefront of the art of the 20th century? Yes it is. But, among other things, another, very important. They admired antiquity and became its living bearers in an era that did little to flourish sculpture. Continue reading

Pictures of the Elusive World
Originality is the main feature of the Japanese ukiyo-e engraving. Not having analogies in the art of other countries of the Far East, this system formed the basis for the…


Romanticism (French romantisme from the Latin. Roman romanum from Roma - Rome) is one of two, along with Classicism, the fundamental tendencies of artistic thinking. However, historically, this word has…
