James Whistler: “I am an artist and“ born ”in Petersburg”
James Whistler, an Anglo-American artist, was born July 11, 1834 in Lowell, the industrial city of the United States. Staying in Russia largely affected the formation of his talent. Whistler…

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Chinese classical painting
Painting of China, flourishing in the era of the Middle Ages - IV – XIX centuries of our era, it was not by chance that it occupied an honorable place…

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Artists miracles
Despite the fact that we are all so different, we live in different places, and speak different languages, and play different games, all over the world, at all times children…

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century somehow came

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Pictures of the Elusive World

Originality is the main feature of the Japanese ukiyo-e engraving. Not having analogies in the art of other countries of the Far East, this system formed the basis for the formation of not only the culture of Japan itself, but also influenced the historical course and the formation of the whole world culture.

Nearly two centuries (XVII – XIX centuries), belonging to the Edo era, existed ukiyo-e, originated in the depths of urban culture and passed a long and interesting way, captured by the masters of Japanese engravings creating their paintings in different periods. Continue reading

What is your power, Amulet?

Talisman “Knock on the tree” For a long time, trying to protect themselves, people endowed various objects with mystical, supernatural properties. Different charms, talismans, amulets have long had different meanings, but they all had one function – to protect and protect people.

Amulet considered the subject, which was attributed to the miraculous ability to protect the owner from disaster, illness and “evil spell.” Amulet attributed the magical property to protect or protect people and animals, especially the warrior and his horse, house and utensils, tools and weapons from evil demons and envious people. Continue reading


Aphrodite or Venus – the goddess of love. Her name has become synonymous with Love and Beauty, and to this day, the artists embody in them their idea of ​​Beauty.
In ancient myths, the image of Aphrodite is not so romantic. According to one of the earlier versions, it came from the blood of the insulated Crown of Uranus, which fell into the sea and formed foam. Continue reading

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Pop Art
Pop art (English pop-art, from popular art to public art) is a trend that took shape first in modern art and then in various spheres of popular culture of the…


Renoir Pierre Auguste. The Ball in Moulin de la Galette Impressionism (Fr. Impressionisme, from impression - impression) is the artistic style in the art of the last third of the…
