James Whistler: “I am an artist and“ born ”in Petersburg”
James Whistler, an Anglo-American artist, was born July 11, 1834 in Lowell, the industrial city of the United States. Staying in Russia largely affected the formation of his talent. Whistler…

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Antique Cologne
Cologne ... Many have heard about this German city on the Rhine, a major center of medieval European culture. The well-known Cologne Cathedral is an unsurpassed monument of Gothic architecture.…

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Antoine Bourdelle and Aristide Maillol - antiquity in the works
Antoine Bourdelle andAristide Mayol. What binds them? That they were born in the same year - 1861st? That both are French? Or that they are outstanding sculptors and are at…

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Aphrodite or Venus – the goddess of love. Her name has become synonymous with Love and Beauty, and to this day, the artists embody in them their idea of ​​Beauty.
In ancient myths, the image of Aphrodite is not so romantic. According to one of the earlier versions, it came from the blood of the insulated Crown of Uranus, which fell into the sea and formed foam. Continue reading

Aphrodite or Venus - the goddess of love. Her name has become synonymous with Love and Beauty, and to this day, the artists embody in them their idea of ​​Beauty.…


Baroque - (Portuguese. Baroco - freaky, bad, wrong, spoiled). The term “baroque” has many meanings in the history of art. Among them are narrower, to indicate artistic styles in the…
