Rafael Santi - the ideal of the purest art
In the view of the people of the Renaissance, beauty is above all the orderly consonance and the connection of parts, harmony. It is based on a proportion, a perfect…

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Venetian landscape painters of the 18th century
By the beginning of the 18th century, the once mighty Venice had lost its importance as the political center of the Mediterranean, becoming a peculiar center of pilgrimage. Rich travelers…

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Andrei Ryabushkin - historical painter
Russian art of the late XIX - early XX century is rich in bright individuals. But among them Ryabushkin remains a master who created a special artistic world. His originality…

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altars of the world


David Jacques Louis The oath of the Horatii Empire (French empire – the empire from the Latin. Imperium – command, power) – artistic style, created in France in the beginning of the XIX century, in the era of the empire of Napoleon Bonaparte. The chronological framework of the original French “Empire Style” is limited to a very short period of time: from the end of the reign of the Directory (1799) or the year of Napoleon’s coronation (1804) to the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty (1815). Continue reading

Decorative and applied arts

Decorative art (from the Latin. Decoro “decorating”) – a section of art, which includes a fairly large number of industries, it is one of the most important areas of folk art and is closely related to design. Decorative – applied art is a field of decorative art, which studies the creation of artistic works used in everyday life and artistic processing of products. His works can be: various utensils, furniture, fabrics, tools, vehicles, as well as clothing and various decorations. Continue reading


Architecture (lat. Architectura, from the Greek. Architekton – builder), architecture, a system of buildings and structures that form the spatial environment for the life and activities of people, as well as the art itself to create these buildings and structures in accordance with the laws of beauty. Architecture is a necessary part of the means of production and the material means of existence of human society. Her artistic images play a significant role in the spiritual life of society. The functional, structural, and aesthetic quality of architecture (benefit, strength, beauty) are interrelated. Continue reading

Stained glass window, fragment with architectural ornament. Colored glass, painting, lead. Germany. Late 14th century. The Gothic style is an artistic style that was the final stage in the development…


Modernism (from the French moderne modern), the general name of the directions of art and literature of the late 19th and 20th centuries. In a broad sense, it embraces cubism,…
