Renoir Pierre Auguste. The Ball in Moulin de la Galette Impressionism (Fr. Impressionisme, from impression - impression) is the artistic style in the art of the last third of the…

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Gustave Courbet - "son of revolution"
The name Courbet means for the art of the XIX century no less than Rembrandt and Velázquez for the XVII century. After all, he openly proclaimed realism as his creative…

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Antique Cologne
Cologne ... Many have heard about this German city on the Rhine, a major center of medieval European culture. The well-known Cologne Cathedral is an unsurpassed monument of Gothic architecture.…

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beautiful French genius


Baroque – (Portuguese. Baroco – freaky, bad, wrong, spoiled). The term “baroque” has many meanings in the history of art. Among them are narrower, to indicate artistic styles in the art of various countries of the XVII-XVIII centuries, or broader ones – to define the ever-renewing tendencies of restless, romantic attitudes, thinking in expressive, dynamic forms, or generally as a poetic metaphor: “Baroque man” , “Baroque”, “Baroque world”, “Baroque life”. Finally, in every time, almost every historical art style finds its “baroque period”. Continue reading


David Jacques Louis The oath of the Horatii Empire (French empire – the empire from the Latin. Imperium – command, power) – artistic style, created in France in the beginning of the XIX century, in the era of the empire of Napoleon Bonaparte. The chronological framework of the original French “Empire Style” is limited to a very short period of time: from the end of the reign of the Directory (1799) or the year of Napoleon’s coronation (1804) to the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty (1815). Continue reading

Decorative and applied arts

Decorative art (from the Latin. Decoro “decorating”) – a section of art, which includes a fairly large number of industries, it is one of the most important areas of folk art and is closely related to design. Decorative – applied art is a field of decorative art, which studies the creation of artistic works used in everyday life and artistic processing of products. His works can be: various utensils, furniture, fabrics, tools, vehicles, as well as clothing and various decorations. Continue reading

Ernest Seton-Thompson - writer, artist, naturalist
Eighty-six years of life - a considerable time. Exactly so many wonderful Canadian writer, artist, naturalist Ernest Seton-Thompson lived. But who was he in the first place? A rare case…


Fritz Kremer: “I had the good fortune to create many monuments that stand on the street”
The essence of Kremer’s creative tasks is to appeal to the masses. “I feel it my duty,” says the artist, “to speak about the events that I experienced as a…
