Camille Corot: "I write with my heart"
The large, half a century long, creative life of the French artist Camille Corot (1796–1875) was, as it were, subject to the change of seasons. In the winter months he…

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Barbizon School of Painting
Away from the noise of the capital, French painters of the last century chose the area around the royal residence of Fontainebleau, which since the times of Francis I has…

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Fritz Kremer: “I had the good fortune to create many monuments that stand on the street”
The essence of Kremer’s creative tasks is to appeal to the masses. “I feel it my duty,” says the artist, “to speak about the events that I experienced as a…

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Colorful materials


Graphics is a type of visual art. It can be divided into three types:
– monumental – is closely connected with the architectural ensemble, for example, a poster (monumental printed graphics), wall graphics, cardboards;
– easel – performed “on the machine”, has no connection with a specific interior, the purpose and meaning of the work is completely exhausted by the artistic content (drawing, print, splint); Continue reading

Chinese classical painting
Painting of China, flourishing in the era of the Middle Ages - IV – XIX centuries of our era, it was not by chance that it occupied an honorable place…


Rafael Santi - the ideal of the purest art
In the view of the people of the Renaissance, beauty is above all the orderly consonance and the connection of parts, harmony. It is based on a proportion, a perfect…
