Pontormo Jacopo. Meeting of Mary and Elizabeth Mannerism (Italian. Manierismo - pretentiousness, mannerism from maniera - method, method) - the name conventionally denoting stylistic trends, as well as a certain…

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Stained glass window, fragment with architectural ornament. Colored glass, painting, lead. Germany. Late 14th century. The Gothic style is an artistic style that was the final stage in the development…

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Anton Refrezhier - born in Moscow
Refrege was born in Moscow in the year of the first Russian revolution. This fact would seem irrelevant to the biography of an American artist: after all, his father took…

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school of neoclassical landscape

Camille Corot: “I write with my heart”

The large, half a century long, creative life of the French artist Camille Corot (1796–1875) was, as it were, subject to the change of seasons. In the winter months he worked in the Paris workshop, often visiting the opera and the conservatory. But the happiness of communicating with wildlife meant for the master incomparably more than visiting museums and concert halls. Every year with the onset of spring, he set off on a journey through various regions of France to write etudes. Many of them have become pearls of plein-air painting. Continue reading

Eugene Delacroix - Goethe's Faust lithographs
In the 1820s, the artist Eugene Delacroix was in the prime of his creative power. He is 30 years old, he is a recognized master, who created the paintings that…


Antoine Bourdelle and Aristide Maillol - antiquity in the works
Antoine Bourdelle andAristide Mayol. What binds them? That they were born in the same year - 1861st? That both are French? Or that they are outstanding sculptors and are at…
